I’ve got a huge mix of random stuff this time. If you’re wondering where I’m posting all of this stuff, you can find my more frequently updated pages here:


Tumblr (Warning: Although I post my art here FIRST usually, it also contains a lot of content that ISN’T mine. This content may include silly gifs, photos, other artists’ work, and general randomness)

Anyway, on to the draws!


A little tapir done sort of in the style of My Little Pony? Just a quick doodle 🙂


And a quickie Twilight Sparkle because I wanted to do something quick and cute, and she’s ADORABLE OK.


Moving on down the line, here’s a commission I did of some lovely Alliance ladies 😀


And a draenei couple getting married by “Elvis”


A troll/night elf couple spend a balmy evening by the pool ❤


And my last commission of the set, an orc lady flirting with a pretty blood elf 🙂


I did a few random requests on Tumblr – This was one of them. I wanted to try out a painted style to see how long it takes to complete. (SPOILER: It takes a long time :T)


Another request/trade from Tumblr. This is a friend’s SWTOR character 😀

Now for the project I’m working on. Venture Bronies! I intend to do as many Venture Bros. characters as ponies as possible. If you don’t/haven’t watched Venture Bros. yet, I’m sorry! Mostly because you are seriously missing out! Incidentally, now is a great time to pick up the show, as there will be no new episodes until early NEXT YEAR /cry cry sob sob

Anyway, on to the ponies!


The Monarchs! They are a husband/wife supervillain team! Tell me that isn’t awesome!


Brock Samson, the Swedish Murder Machine. I love Brock so much, you just have no idea.

I’m working on about a billion of these ponies at once. I have a spreadsheet with details, color schemes, and cutie marks for over 30 Venture Bros. characters right now, and I KNOW I’ve missed a couple of named characters. I really desperately want to finish all of them, but it’s slow going in between commissions and Korra doodles, so I’m trying to do them as I go along, with preferential treatment for my favorites 😀

Anyway, that’s it! All of the freshest finished art I have to show from the past few months. <3<3